Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D

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Enabling the Glide renderer

On some systems the game will still use Direct3D even though the Glide renderer was selected in the launcher. As the Video tab in the in-game settings will falsely display Glide as active. One way to verify this behavior is to alter driver settings for just Direct3D (ie. disable V-Sync). If the change affects the game, D3D is being used. Alternatively, I noticed a D3D-specific rendering glitch during fade-out at the end of missions: the lower part of the screen does not fade out.

A workaround I found is to temporarily disable D3D/DDraw acceleration completely. This can be done in the Display tab of the OS' dxdiag utility. The game will then use Glide. Trying to access the Video tab of the in-game settings menu will crash the game however, so the desired resolution should be selected before forcing the game to use Glide like this.